Kindness Matters
Tapping into Your Greatness: Go Be Great!
When our eyes fly open and our feet hit the floor, we have a new day with new mercies and grace—another chance to get it right. We have a chance to go be great. “Go be great” is not just a cute saying; it is a call to action. It encourages us to seize the opportunity to make a difference…
The Power to Choose: It’s A Great Day to Make It a Great Day!
At the start of each day, we’re faced with a choice. We can choose to embrace the events of the day with positive ownership, or we can choose to let the day take ownership of us.
The Power of Overcoming Fear with Courage - Do It Scared
Being scared to do something has, at various times in my life, shipwrecked all the ships in my life: entrepreneurship, relationships, friendships, stewardship, fellowship, leadership, womanship. I’ve second-guessed all of the “ships” in my life because of fear.
God Is in Control: Embracing the power of surrender
Surrendering to the flow of life and love with faith, trust and humility.
The Power of Words: Why Words Matter in Our Lives
When I’m struggling to communicate, or when I decide to dance around a crucial conversation I need to have, I whisper to myself, “WORDS MATTER”.
i am enough: International Women’s Day
Let me first say that the fact that I’m even speaking about this is miraculous. Fear used to be my best friend, until I became my best friend. I inspired inclusion starting with me! I finally realized…I AM ENOUGH!
The Tea About The Tee: Less Is More
The magic happens when these opposites come together.
Matters of the Heart: Kindness Matters
I’ve read that those who are kind and compassionate have the joy of experiencing the benefits of well-being and happiness.
Volunteering at a Food Pantry Changed My Thinking and My Gratitude
My thinking was changed. My life was changed.