My life was filled with uncertainty, drama, trauma, ”strauma” (stress and trauma), and the unknown. As I think about my life, the good, the bad, the things I’ve brought on myself, the things that I’ve had absolutely no control over; I wonder how I’ve survived. In the words of the iconic song ‘I Will Survive' by Gloria Gaynor, "Oh no not I, I will survive, as long as I know how to love I know I’ll stay alive" (Gaynor).
Survived what, you may ask? Survived heartbreak, the death of loved ones, loss of pets, death through divorce, break up, finance mismanagement, emotional distress, disappointments, health challenges…and so much more.
But here I am... still able to laugh, smile, talk about it even through tears, but I’ve survived. I have learned to survive by relinquishing control and placing trust in someone greater than myself. I trust and believe in God because I know that GOD is in control.
I admit that keeping that top of mind can be challenging. Sometimes the mind goes where the mind wants to go, sometimes desiring never to return to reality. But, if you keep your focus on the one who has created you, the one who blesses you, the one who guides you, the one who will always love you, YOU, too can survive.
You can survive because God is in control of EVERYTHING… you, me, the universe…EVERYTHING. Everything means there is no-thing left.
God being in control of everything simply means that as humans, we acknowledge that we are limited in our humanness and level of understanding. It embraces the acceptance of greater wisdom that extends far beyond the depth of our personal experiences, thoughts, behavior, actions. It invites, encourages, and empowers us to release the burdens of worry, fear, and doubt. Surrendering to the flow of life and love with faith, trust and humility.
One thing that keeps me grounded is living in the present moment AND letting go of the past because these cannot co-exist. Surrendering leads to survival. When we trust in God to lead, guide, direct and protect us, we free ourselves from the bondage of the past.
Past hurt, anxiety, and depression, wastes mental and physical energy. I am free, I am a survivor! You can be free like me! I don’t worry about the future, I exercise my faith and trust in God, knowing that He loves and cares about me. He is in control of my total life…my health, my heart, my head. I’ve decided that God being in control, and my trusting Him, is far better than my trying to “run” my life.
Embracing the concept of God being in control allows me to find joy, peace, and meaning in the present. It doesn’t mean that I don’t ever think about the future. I have plans and goals, and purpose in my life that has yet to be fulfilled.
Trust God today by letting go of that thing that has you bound! You can be free, just like me! I’m a survivor because GOD IS IN CONTROL! I encourage you to relinquish control of your life so you can free and guide yourself into survival mode. Freeing yourself will allow you to positively impact others as they see the light you bring to heal, inspire, encourage, uplift, and transform the thoughts and lives of others, all the things that matter to ALFA.
Remember, by embracing the power of surrender and trust, you too can find freedom and resilience in life's challenges. Until next time, embrace the journey, stay strong, and keep shining bright!
- Awesome Life For All
Gaynor, Gloria. "I Will Survive." Performed by Gloria Gaynor, written by Dino Fekaris and Freddie Perren, Polydor Records, 1978.